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vCISO: an agile solution to boost business cyber resilience

Article contains:

  • Introduction of vCISO concept
  • 5 benefits of vCISO service
  • Next steps in vCISO appointment
vCISO,cybersecurity,cyber resilience

New approach to Your cyber resilience

Successfully managing a company is a collaborative effort. As a CEO, it’s virtually impossible to single-handedly oversee all aspects of your business operations. Consequently, you recruit employees or trust in partners who lend their support to your daily activities. For legal affairs, you rely on a trusted legal advisor, and the same goes for design or managing your website. But why do we embrace this service model? It’s because this approach offers numerous advantages and doesn’t always require a full-time employee to get the job done. What we need is for objectives to be delivered. Recruitment can be time-consuming, and an employee is an ongoing cost. There’s also the likelihood that you may not be well-versed in a particular field, making it challenging to assign tasks and, ultimately, ensure they are carried out.

But what about the security of your business? A CEO’s goal in any organization is to minimize the risks and threats posed by the digital world. The question is, how do you achieve this? If you have no qualms about entrusting your IT needs to a specialist or negotiating contracts with a legal advisor, why not adopt a similar approach to cybersecurity? Why not consider bringing on a vCISO – a Virtual Chief Information Security Officer, to whom you can delegate the responsibility of safeguarding your business’s cybersecurity?

Why it is making sense ?

  • Proven Model. The vCISO service isn’t a novel concept in terms of working models. Just as there’s no need to maintain your own server or applications to host a website or issue invoices, why should your company not be secure without an internal Security department? Additionally, the straightforward monthly billing and the option to cancel at any stage ensure that there is no risk associated with initiating the service—you can terminate the contract at any time. You’re familiar with how this operates since your business utilizes subscription models and Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions.


  • Immediate Access to Expertise. The IT security market faces a shortage, with approximately 4 million positions unfilled, addressing current needs (read more on Cyber security shortage). In Europe, the average recruitment process in IT Security can last up to six months, not counting the time required for onboarding and organizational acclimatization. Our service offers almost instant allocation of a virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) to your company, who can begin immediately, addressing your needs and ensuring a rapid return on investment compared to traditional in-house IT Security models.


  • Experience. An experienced CISO typically has worked with at least three or four organizations; highly experienced ones have served in six or more. We bring a wealth of experience from over 60 organizations around the globe—from Australia to California—which is more than tenfold the experience of a highly seasoned market-available CISO (read more about our experience). This extensive experience allows us to swiftly resolve your issues and protect you from costly missteps or misguided investments. Furthermore, our vCISO is backed by a team of analysts, meaning you effectively acquire an entire department’s expertise with a single service.


  • Service Tailored to Your Needs. We operate on your behalf and tailor our tools and solutions to your needs. As the CEO of your company, you can focus on business development – there is no need for you to recruit IT security staff, verify their budgetary needs, or manage their motivation and accountability. We take on the entire administrative overhead, resource management, and employee motivation. Together, we set goals, and you hold us accountable for the results. The intricacies of how this is accomplished need not concern you, as the magic from now on is in our capable hands.


  • Cost Efficiency. Opting for a vCISO equates to significant savings through a straightforward monthly subscription model. Maintaining an in-house IT Security Department entails substantial costs, including recruitment expenses, employee salaries, associated benefits, workspace, tools used, licenses, etc. Our experiences illustrate that the monthly cost of a vCISO service for 40% budget reduction comparing to cost of operating an internal security team, all maintaining the same service level parameters.

Appointing vCISO can be your next step

The IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023 suggests that the cost and number of security incidents are anticipated to rise in 2024. The use of AI in generating phishing emails, deep fakes, cybersecurity crimes, as well as known challenges like vulnerability management, secure code development, and end-user security management are just some of the challenges a CEO of any organization must address.

Don’t waste time and ensure the security of your business today. There is a solution to your cybersecurity challenges and way to start sleeping more sound.

Don't buy a pig in a poke -
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vCISO,cybersecurity,cyber resilience

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